Aktiva Finance Group’s latest step in the purchase of Intrum: the merger of Lithuania’s Intrum with Julianus.

Based on the approval of the Lithuanian Competition Authority, Aktiva Finance Group acquires the Intrum Lithuanian company and merges it with Julianus Inkasso. Intrum of Estonia and Latvia were bought and merged with Julianus in 2023. The price of the transaction was 30 million euros. “We successfully completed the acquisition of Intrum’s Estonian and Latvian […]
A unique bill payment solution in Estonia Perfi is now available as a mobile app

This week, the bill payment platform Perfi launched an innovative mobile application. Known for its web platform, Perfi now offers a unique opportunity in Estonia to direct all monthly bills of a user straight to the mobile application and pay them with a single payment. Perfi streamlines the monthly bill payment process, making it fast […]
Change in the Management Structure of Aktiva Finance Group: A New six-member council begins work

Aktiva Finance Group, the only provider of comprehensive financial infrastructure solutions in the Baltic States and Poland, has taken a significant step in its strategic management by forming a six-member council to guide the company. The council includes Andreas Laane, Argo Virkebau, Lauri Lind, Hans Luik, and Ena Haabma, joined by the company’s former CEO, […]
Is Sustainability in Money Management Even Possible?

For some reason, we’ve become accustomed to thinking that everything we do, we do for ourselves. In the financial world, it can be the opposite; what we neglect might affect others. If we could all think that my financial decisions, obligations, and discipline are calculated within a system and are part of the proper functioning of the economy, the overall picture would be much more beautiful.
Aktiva Finance Group acquires Baltic entities. Intrum exits the Baltics.

Aktiva Finance Group continues to execute on its strategic priorities, continuing building the regional financial infrastructure group. The servicing platforms and investment portfolios of Intrum Baltics are acquired by Aktiva Finance Group, the leading player in Baltic debt collection and debt purchase market. The transaction, which consider 100 per cent of the equity interest in […]
Ege Metsandi has been appointed as Head of Krediidiregister

Ege Metsandi will start working as the Chairman of the Management Board of OÜ Krediidiregister, a company belonging to Aktiva Finance Group. Ege has previously worked as the CEO of Creditinfo and has extensive experience in the fields of investment, risk management, and business development of companies. Ege will continue her activities on the Management […]
Do good with Perfi: Donate to Estonia’s largest charities while paying your monthly bills

Perfi, the innovative financial service that simplifies monthly bill payments and helps users manage their finances, has made it easy to support charitable causes by launching a new feature. Users can now donate to several charities directly through the Perfi platform, with one-time or recurring donation options. With this new initiative, Perfi is empowering users […]